Homebirth Story
When considering place of birth, for me home always felt like the natural place. I knew my options as I have had 2 water births before, my first baby born at home and my second baby at the hospital because the homebirth team was suspended during covid19. Knowing this was my last baby I wanted to do what felt right for me, so chose to have another homebirth.
My labour was fairly quick, I felt in safe hands with the beautiful home birth team who supported me throughout. I will forever cherish the memories of all 3 of my births from the way I was supported, listened too and comforted. There is something special about welcoming your baby into your home environment and instantly relaxing with your baby snuggled up on your sofa.
I was able to make the environment perfect for me. I bought a pool and had my husband focus on setting this up, I played my favourite music and had my comforts of my family pictures close by. I had the most incredible birth partners and midwives to help me through the tough spells. The icing on the cake was having my mum and my two girls at home to welcome their new baby brother when he was born. A moment I will never forget or regret.
Labour can be intense, frightening and overwhelming at times; but it can also make you feel content, empowered and excited. Feeling supported in your choice including place of birth makes a difference to your birth experience, it really did for me! Birth really can be a magical experience.