For information on the coronavirus outbreak please go to the page on coronavirus at NHS.UK or the information on

Get involved

There are lots of ways to get involved with our work, and we are very flexible to accommodate little ones!

– join our mail list – this will have information about upcoming meetings, opportunities to volunteer or get involved, and updates about our work.

– attend our MNVP partnership meetings

– join Airedale Birth Voices or Better Births for Bradford service-user groups

share your story here. It’s really powerful for clinicians to hear people’s stories directly. If you’d consider sharing your story at a meeting, or on film to be used for training staff, let us know!

– Help us carry out a 15 Steps visit – looking at services from a service-user’s perspective

– Invite us to speak to a group you’re involved with!

If you’ve got any questions or suggestions, or want to find out more, get in touch!