15 Steps is a nationally co-produced toolkit which enables Maternity Voices Partnerships to elevate the voices of service users and involve a wide range of people in reviewing and improving maternity services.
It was inspired by a mum whose daughter was regularly admitted to hospital, who said she could tell what kind of care her daughter would get within 15 steps of walking on to a ward. Using the 15 Steps toolkit, service users experience the different areas of a hospital where women and birthing people experience care and share how these spaces made them feel.
Volunteers are encouraged to make notes about the things they notice, in relation to four main themes.
1. Welcoming and Informative
2. Safe and Clean
3. Friendly and Personal
4. Organised and Calm
If you would like to help us carry out a 15 Steps visit, email us at [email protected], letting us know what services you used.
Our reports from 15 Steps visits will be shared here, as will any responses from the Trusts.