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Contact Leeds MNVP

The Leeds Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership (MNVP) is looking for volunteers to go out and collect information, from people who have used maternity services in Leeds. This could be done in lots of different ways;

  • Asking for feedback at meetings which you attend on behalf of the Leeds MNVP
  • Getting feedback for current consultations, engagements and questionnaires
  • Visiting clinical areas i.e. outpatient clinics on behalf of the Leeds MNVP

The MNVP looks to collect feedback from all families who represent the wide variety of families in Leeds.

All volunteers will meet with the MNVP every three months, to look at the feedback you have collated and we will look for themes that can be identified. These themes will be taken to meetings between the volunteers and representatives from maternity services.

All volunteers are fully supported and given training, and we will cover travel and child care expenses. We would need you to commit at least one to two hours per month.

Your contact details will only be viewed by Womens Health Matters and NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group, and will not be shared with a third organisation or any other individual. If you have any concerns regarding this please view the privacy policy

If you would like to volunteer, please fill in the short form below:

Alternatively, if you have a birthing story that you would like to share with us or a question you would like to ask us, please use the form below to get in touch – we would love to hear from you!

You can also get in touch by emailing us at [email protected].